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2 worst Addictions? How Reiki healing art assists in strange addictions? Reason for Heart Disease?

Writer's picture: Rizwana A.MundewadiRizwana A.Mundewadi

Addictions, the term brings thoughts of drug addiction first and maybe alcohol addiction. Today I am targeting on a very different type of addiction, one that would come in your mind but is a really serious cause of concern in the latest generation now.

Addiction to pain medicines and addiction to junk food. answering a email query also here- how to heal heart disease?

Reiki art for healing solar plexus chakra
Reiki art for healing solar plexus chakra

First I would like to explain the perspective of pain and disease from the Reiki healing point of view. Any disease comes to teach you and your body a lesson. It is never bad, it is actually we, our embedded beliefs, that make it seem bad and negative. Diseases come up and become chronic when the process takes forever to heal. Yes, some people die off with a chronic disease taking life long medications yet never completely becoming free from that particular disease. You never thought of it, isn't it? that you require to be healed from a disease in this life time and not carry on the blue print for your next life.

Headaches, migraines are most common pains among many and those days go unnoticed as a part of life for so many. People struggle with life joy and keep taking medicines that only suppress the pain but never heal the cause. Reiki art will bring you to that juncture where you will actually realize the cause of these pains and will guide you to best healthy lifestyle, correct diet, best treatment modalities so that the frequency of these pain related diseases reduce and gradually you find that they go away, you become free of the pain.

You will surely tell me that you are taking the most costliest medicines from the best qualified professional but trust me, you have never thought of this, leading a joyful life, taking your body in sync to your soul purpose and becoming free of this chaos.

I ma not promising that you will instantly cure of any chronic illness or become free instantly within months. I know it takes, time, it is a journey of soul healing and not some thing temporary. It may take few minutes, few days, few months to a few years also to complete your life puzzle correctly, but trust the Universe, it will happen surely.

Worst addictions that you hardly realize are about pain medications and junk food addictions.

What do you mean by addiction to pain medicines?

this means you are always on the verge of taking that medicine on smallest pain coming up in life. You have already had it enough, borne the pain and now you just take the medicines and want to become free of that pain. You know these pain medicines are affecting your inner body organs and will gradually lead you to serious health issues in old age, but yet you have lost patience and want to just think temporary and move on with life, go away pain!! Long term use of steroids', pain medications leads to organ failure, may damage lungs, kidney, liver and digestive system. I am writing this with years of experience.. because I have gone through and am going through this and am aware of this.

Acidity medicines, migraine medicines, body ache medicines, fever medicines, you have to think and you have to find the cause...Reiki art will do this for you.

It is a process of soul healing. Reiki focusses on holistic approach and will ease out pain causing environmental issues, external factors, stress, unhealthy choices of food, irregular sleep patterns, too much Television exposure, too much mobile many factors came up, I was shocked to understand the cause of pain.

What happens now? life changes gradually, you understand, you stop and think, you are actually forced by your body and environment to change for your better. Reiki never leaves your side till your beautiful picture is complete, in sync with your life purpose full of joy. It is a sort of spiritual purge, a vomit to remove all the toxins that have accumulated over the years and bring in a fresh flow of energy. Karmic lessons continue to happen until you are forced to change your life patterns and only then they stop.

About junk food addictions I can say those cravings you get for the burger, pizza are not natural. Scientifically proved is the fact that certain chemicals are added to restaurant food to make you addicted. So if you feel that naturally you become restless for grabbing that branded pizza, think again, it is an addiction. Does it satisfy your hunger? or your ego? Mostly I have noticed your stomach even doesn't feel full, but yet you are addicted to the junk food. I have tried and home made pizzas are really healthy and also make you fresh and not so difficult also as we feel. Certainly lockdown has brought creative cooking options compulsorily and families are bonding together over food and dining times, which is a blessings in disguise, thanks to corona.

Sharing few mou8th watering snaps for healthy foodies!

home made awla sherbet
Awla sherbet for migraines

making awla gooseberry sherbet at home
making awla gooseberry sherbet at home

making cape goosebeery jam at home
making cape goosebeery jam at home

making paani puri at home
making paani puri at home

making cape gooseberry jam at home
making cape gooseberry jam at home

Baked aata cookies without oven at home
Baked aata cookies without oven at home

Oreo cake at home without oven
Oreo cake at home without oven

Dhokla made at home
Dhokla made at home

Easy Dahi Wada with ready jeera butter packet
Easy Dahi Wada with ready jeera butter packet

Lemon Pound cake without oven
Lemon Pound cake without oven

Healthy bread pizza made at home
Healthy bread pizza made at home

Coming back from the gastronomical treats, there are actually may recipes I tried and it feels so good to eat healthy, thanks to You Tube food channels for free videos of cooking. The reason is that these above food items help in reducing migraine headaches. and do try awla sherbet , I add ginger, chaat masala powder and sugar to make the concoction concentrate which is stored in bottles in refrigerator for months. Drink it daily and see the difference.

Why I shared this, it is a part of my soul healing journey to experience true joy! It gave me immense happiness! and healed my heart. And it also led me to experience joyful moments with family expressing in my art collection of Year 2021 Golden Tea Times.

Addiction to junk food shows symptoms of confusing thoughts, pangs of unexplained hunger and a strong craving to order that particular food item from that particular restaurant or food supplier.

Migraine headaches, Pain medicines are easy solution to free you from any pain but in long term they affect your body organs and damage them gradually. Choose healthy lifestyle with plenty fresh water, fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and exercising regularly to maintain your health. Reiki leads you to this.

One of the main causes of disease continuing is you are not learning the lessons of change that your body is shouting out to you, when you learn, you change, the pain goes away. Stress is also a main contributing factor in chronic diseases. Emotional healing is very important for physical healing and Reiki symbol Se He Ki and my favorite Harth loves to heal heal.

It's  a Beautiful Life! canvas healing  painting
It's a Beautiful Life! canvas healing painting

I repainted this above old precious large canvas with so much love and positive intentions, year 2016. The symbols just poured out, the words even in English language just sprang up and I wrote happily, not even thinking, not even looking at the strokes or the colors that came up, and the result is absolutely innocent beautiful joyful artwork. Intentions of a beautiful life full of joy!!

Try this free Reiki healing arts meditation video and experience live flow of energy healing. It works! Digestive system detox , Sacred code for addiction to junk food. sacred code for addiction to pain medicines.

Affordable Reiki healing art cards specific intentions
Tiny Affordable Reiki healing art cards specific intentions

What is the reason for heart disease? The whole purpose of the Universe is to teach you to lead a healthy joyful life. This soul journey which ahs diseases is not natural. You can heal this, you can heal the past karmic issues and blocks , you can decide now to take charge of your life!! Reiki is not proved to heal cancer and other chronic diseases without medicines, but scientifically proved that it alleviates pain, reduces stress, brings self acceptance, changes from the victim to the leader in charge attitude, and opens self to accept medicines and lead a better quality of life.

You have led a life maybe of a bird or a tree and now in this life you plant so many trees because you understand that soul perspective. You may have been a rich king who was arrogant, maybe so you struggle now with finances in this life due to wasting precious money.

Heart disease actually means you have closed your heart to joy. You kept quiet when you felt like expressing, you feel stifled in life. All leads to weight issues, digestive problems and heart issues. Heart blocks actually literally are heart blocks. Why? think about this and try to heal this before it takes the precious life. Heal by unblocking those accumulated debris over your heart in terms of energy fields and open up flow of fresh energy, fresh chi that will make you feel joyful and healthy. Trust in the process, go with the flow.

Is this related to stomach? yes of course, heart burn , acidity, loose motions, reflux, vomiting, nausea, constipation, everything is linked to your solar plexus chakra and most diseases will be healed when you target here. Heart diseases is a result of imbalance in chakras, we need top harmonize the energy and heal every chakra for health.

So the process of healing a Heart patient with reiki is holistic in approach and not just medicines that is given to the patient. Medicines is just one part of the healing for any disease, there is so much more to complete healing, for joy.

That is what I aim for, I do not promise a bed of roses and always smiling faces everyday for the rest of your life, but I aim to help every soul lead a successful joyful happy life with they best path of their soul purposes.

Life will throw at you whatever daily, you will now be prepared and with ease handle that challenges, and life will flow with new energy and gradually incidences of diseases reduce, relationships heal, people around you feel the difference, thus, this is joy!!!

Hope this helps!

All the Best from Rizwana!

The Red Pilgrim!!

Dedicated since year 2000 towards redesigning lives with my Reiki symbol healing paintings..



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All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved including making prints © Rizwana A.Mundewadi


India, Maharashtra, Thane 400612

*Disclaimer- Always remember there is no replacement for hard sincere efforts. Reiki healing art is not a replacement to modern medicine.. 

2000-2025 © by Rizwana A.Mundewadi. Proudly created with

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