Making art since Year 2000!Cubism to Abstracts to Symbolism!
Tapping into the limitless power of Symbols in Art!
Experience magic of Art ! Visit GALLERY
Symbols in Nature The White Hibiscuses Painting Story
Music room Feng Shui How to Feng Shui Your Music Room Tips for Music room and Feng Shui Music Art
The View One of My Best Artwork!
Open to Change! Purposive Marks Collection Symbolism
Divine Luck Celestial Formation Inspiration Symbolism behind this painting
The Wheel of Karma Inspiring art
Feng Huang Bird Painting Mystical Feng Shui Queen of Birds Mythology Symbolism
Modern Tangy Twist Mouth Watering Emotions Sharing about Kiwilicious
Rose Quartz and Serenity..Love Happens! my artwork story and symbolism
Days go by creating magic in my home studio, not a moment of dullness! Happy Tiger Year 2022!
About my Reiki Cats Paintings and Maneki Neko Colour of Cats symbolism
Why do people bully? Reiki protection assistance art from being bullied!story of why I painted that
2 worst Addictions? How Reiki healing art assists in strange addictions? Reason for Heart Disease?
Squeezing the oils! Year 2001!Abstracts and Cubism Nostalgic artworks!
Does energy of feng shui cure become Null Void!where to hang Horse Shoe cure in U. S. where it snows
What shape are You? Geometric paintings symbolism
Symbolism of Harth Pure Reiki Symbol For Developing Love Compassion!
Meaning and Symbolism of Reiki Symbol Cho Ku Rei and Reiki Symbol Healing Art
Meaning of Reiki Symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen Distance Healing Past Present Future/8 uses
Buying Feng shuii Water&Fire Feng shui paintings?The Eye of Horus symbolism/Sufi winged heart