Purple Success!Creative Best Good Negotiator Money flows
Purple success is a beautiful Reiki Feng shuii painting to attract opportunities and success. Money luck, Activation of throat and heart chakra to communicate well and be a good negotiator. Creativity energy for professionals who need to keep their mind challenged with new ideas is this Sigil markings Reiki healing painting. Painted using acrylic paints on art paper and hand made grey card paper. Size of this painting is 10.5x14 inches including grey paper. without frame. shipping free.This Reiki painting can be displayed in home or office as side table art or office table art, or any wall, especially best feng shuii luck painting for North and North West sector.Price mentioned is without frame. Shipping free. Thank you for coming by Razarts!All the Best from Rizwana! The Red Pilgrim!All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved including making prints © Rizwana A.MundewadiDO NOT COPY FOR FEAR OF KARMA!
SKU: 00543