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i create my own happiness! personal transformation healing art

i create my own happiness! personal transformation healing art

MyPink Wings spreading  I  crreate myy oowwn hapoinesss . The Sufi heart symbol. Vibrant Pink! artwork, high spiritual aura, strong composition. Size 9.5x13.5 inches, oil and acrylic on oil sketch paper. Backed with grey hand made card paper 14x18.5 inches.  suggests the responsiveness and potential of the heart. Moving towards the right direction, one that takes us closer to the Universal energy of love, and acceptance. the five-pointed star, and the star is reflected in the heart which is responsive to the divine light. Action, as also when the body is still... we see single line, no energy, a dead energy. Three points, two feet together and arms on side shows awareness, intelligence a beginning of action. Five points means feet apart and arms apart, complete action and movement of energy pulsating. The heart which by its response has received the divine light is liberated, as the wings show. In brief, the meaning of the symbol is that the heart responsive to the light of God is liberated.Such an Awesum Beautiful symbol the Winged Heart always brings a happy response from viewing. Bringing about spiritual and personal growth with an open heart, and through quiet listening to our innermost desires at our spiritual center, we have the power to transcend. By allowing our heart to be open to Love, rather than in resistance, we rise, expand and are free. Confidence, happiness and Bliss! Freedom , rising of soul from mundane thoughts to a more evolved well balanced life, enjoying every bit of this spiritual journey...while on this spiritual journey of the Red Pilgrim as I continue to paint healing art...I wish to make simple colorful understandable art, art that heals!God Bless and All the Best from Rizwana!
SKU: 01281
  • Details

    Title-My Pink Wings

    Artist-Rizwana A.Mundewadi

    Size - 14x18.5 Inches

    Materials-  Oil Acrylic on art paper and card paper

    Year-    2016.

    Style- Abstract, Symbolism,  Healing

    Status-  Available


    ID.No.  –01281

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All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved including making prints © Rizwana A.Mundewadi


India, Maharashtra, Thane 400612

*Disclaimer- Always remember there is no replacement for hard sincere efforts. Reiki healing art is not a replacement to modern medicine.. 

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