The Christmas Tree Magic 8! Modern Christmas Reiki art
Bringing in the magic of Christmas! Modern Reiki Christmas Tree painting for Life Goodluck energy with Zonar and Harth Karuna Reiki symbol, soaring towards our life goals with efficiency, removing karmic blocks and past life blockages, driving away negative energies and self doubts, moving Joy and Goodluck All year round!
Minimalist, modern Christmas tree art. Capturing the charm of this most happy festival that is celebrated all around the globe with joy, fun and excitement. Wanted to keep this energy, capture the sparkling magic dust, and keep the happy moments all year round with happinesses Christmas Feng Shuii art.Healing symbols, Awesum modern abstraction, loved the new technique. Swift strokes, the happiness, charm of Christmas, and of course the addition of the Christmas tree,star, to the symbols.
Size of this tree abstract painting is 11.5x15 inches, Year 2017, acrylic on drawing cartridge paper, Absolutely beautiful Reiki! The simplest and most evolved strokes, calligraphy, simple texts, written with positive intention. Happiness Feng Shuii healing art, can be hung in any room and also great gifts for the most auspicious occasion, festival of Christmas and New Year.
Hoping you find your Santa! and be blessed with whatever you wish for!For customised art orders in bulk as Christmas new Year gifts within your budget do email me.
Enjoying every bit of this spiritual journey of The Red Pilgrim, as I continue to paint healing art...
God Bless from Rizwana!
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All the Best from The Red Pilgrim!All Paintings and Content are My Original Copyright Reserved © 2000-2017 Rizwana A.Mundewadi