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I am surrounded by Happiness! Reiki Mai yur  ma blessings healing painting

I am surrounded by Happiness! Reiki Mai yur ma blessings healing painting

I Am Surrounded by Happiness/Self affirmations Reiki mai yur ma healing art for joy by Rizwana A.Mundewadi. A red hand made textured paper collage. 10.5x14 inches, year 2016. Oil sketch paper and red textured hand made paper. 
All paintings are numbered and signed by me and come with Authenticity certificate of art originality signed by me. 
I am surrounded by Happiness! strong joyful intetions happiness art. raw calligraphy, free strokes, not making any effort to bring any direction to the flow of symbols. Chinese symbols for all the good things in life. Reiki Cho Ku Rei's bringing in affirmation energy and the Feng Shuii evil eye cure, the eye popping up!   Modern simplified Chinese Calligraphy, the most beautiful symbol of happiness. Reiki floating Cho Ku Rei's, free, without any form, abstract healing art, surrounding and spreading the energy of love and happiness. The feng shuii evil eye, that I love and is a strong universally loved symbol of protection.The dots, the happiness dots, blue green golden colour. Chinese symbols for different characters to attract goodluck. With the seal of Universal blessings, white Cho Ku Rei's! A happiness abstract collage art.
Hang this painting in any space for attracting all the happiness and good things in life!
Thank you for coming by Razarts!
Have a Great Day from Rizwana!
SKU: 00412
  • Details

    Title-  Living in Abundance! I am surrounded by happiness

    Artist-Rizwana A.Mundewadi

    Size - 10.5x14  inches.

    Materials-  Oil Acrylic on Oil sketch paper and Hand Made Red Card Paper.

    Year- 2016.

    Style-  Calligraphy, Symbolism, Surrealism

    Status-  Available.


    ID.No.  00412

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